Excellent masculine interior

The interior for the man depends first of all on what this man outside and inside and what he wants to appear in a new interior – the refined dandy, the brutal macho, the pensive romantic... Anyway the masculine interior most likely will be deprived of an excess decor, and his coloristic decision won't be too bright and motley. "Tenderness" in an interior is also not peculiar to inquiries of male clients. As for architecture and a situation, the choice of materials and objects, depending on the one whom I see before myself or whom "I guess" under a courage armor in the course of communication I propose these or those solutions meeting the obvious and hidden needs of the client. Often in the course of communication and joint creativity the customer opens and opens himself from the new party.

Просмотров: 216 | Добавил: Gennadiy | Теги: Mens, style, masculin, Excellent, Interior | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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